My Thoughts
...The King will answer and say to them, 'I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.' Matthew 25:40
2 Sept 2023 19:09
...The King will answer and say to them, 'I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.' Matthew 25:40
2 Sept 2023 18:39
Here at Global Feast 4ALL at Tabernacle Church in Surfside Beach, SC, we believe in the power of our community. Our volunteers work very hard for everyone and help at organizing so our food bank is client choice. Last year in 2022 we gave away 1.7 million pounds of food. We try and make sure everyone has a chance at getting food for their homes.